I held out my hand to her, and she immediately began licking my fingers. (Apparently she liked the salad dressing quite a bit!) I then picked her up and was delighted to hear her purring. She didn't leave my side all night. We watched TV together, and we let her sleep with us. (We won't be making a habit out of letting her sleep with us at night. As soon as the other two are more comfortable with her, she'll be staying with them in the bathroom every night.)
It was very strange sleeping with such a small creature. I woke up probably at least once an hour to make sure she was still breathing. I have to admit that it was so wonderful waking up to that little orange face. She's pretty dang cute. I had forgotten how much I love kittens.
We still haven't named her, but I know it will come to us.
Oh my, she is SUPER cute. She makes me want to add another kitten to our household, but somehow I know Zoomie will not agree with that :D Keep the pictures coming, she is such a cute one!
Oh yea, and I'm glad to hear she's finally opening up.
She's the color of marmalade!
so adorable.
How did you get your cats to sleep in the bathroom? Or any other room, for that matter? My kitties are in bed with me and hubs, which is all well and good until we want "alone" time or not to be woken for food at 6 am!!!
Kari - We just started putting their food and water dishes in the bathroom at night. Their litterbox is already in there, so they are used to spending time there. Now they are so adjusted that they go into the bathroom on their own once we put their dishes in there.
I'd love to have them sleep with us, but one of them acts up starting around 4 AM. It just wasn't going to fly. For a long time we just shut our bedroom door, and then they scratched up the carpet outside the door.
Keeping them in the bathroom is the safest bet.
what a little cutie pie!
Awww, precious! How about naming her after some kind of orange citrus fruit? Clementine, Tangelo, Satsuma?
So very cute. I'm glad she's opening up.
aww kitty cat. she looks like "Dickens"
What a sweetie - there's no way to resist that face!
Claire - we've actually considered Clementine! You never know!
Oh, I LOVE kittens!!!!! She is adorable!
You know my feelings on cats, but that, is a cute face!
Oh my she's adorable. That face just kills me.
too cute kitty.....:D
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