Last night Roy and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. With the phenomenon of
camera tossing rattling around in my brain, I decided to engage in a little experimentation that I call "camera waving." It essentially involves waving the camera around and pressing the button to take a picture while doing so. It was fun, and the results were pretty interesting. (I would love to play toss the camera, but I'm too chicken to do it with my DSLRs. So camera waving it is!)

I took some normal pictures, too.

I'm loving my new camera. I'm hoping to get a lot of use out of it over the three day weekend. More camera waving will ensue, I'm sure.
I would definitely be too chicken to toss!
Love the palm tree picture!
cool effect anyway! i wouldn't want to throw a dSLR around, either.
yeah, no tossing of the expensive camera ;) i'm glad you're enjoying your new baby so much!
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