First of all, it rained! I love rain. I love clouds. I love that special darkness a room has when there are thunderclouds looming outside. I love that it decided to rain while we were there. It felt like a gift especially for us Southern Californians who don't see a drop of rain during the summer. Thank you, rain gods!

Secondly, I had a photographic breakthrough. I had started reading Understanding Exposure the day before, and I was having a hell of a time making sense of how one can tell when an exposure is "correct" based on the camera's light meter. That morning, as we were trying to decide what to do with ourselves that day, I was complaining to Roy that I didn't know what the hell the author of the book was talking about. We managed to make sense of it together, and I spent the rest of the day shooting many correct exposures! (Well, I'm not sure they were entirely correct, being as there are so many small things to take into account when shooting. But they were more correct than I was shooting before.)

This is the bird that was trapped in Wade's basement. See how he's standing in the corner, all Blair Witch style? Wade was able to wrap a towel around it, pick it up, and put it outside.

This is a shot of the hallway of Wade's building.

We decided to go to the Walker Art Center to start our day. With the rain, our original plan of going to Minnehaha Falls didn't seem like such a good idea. So the Walker it was - and it was a great choice.

The museum's focus on modern and contemporary art pleased me very much. (I have come to realize that I am actually quite taken with more recent art movements. It has taken me awhile to get here, but it's a good place to be.) I wasn't able to take any pictures of the art itself (I couldn't even use a pen to write down the names of the things I liked!), so here are some photos of details of the Walker design/decor.

We crossed the street and went to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, otherwise known as Heaven. I cannot tell you how excited I was to see all the amazing pieces! Here are some of my favorites. (I bet you can't tell which one is my absolute favorite!)

This one is a product of that camera waving stuff I love to do.

The grounds of the Sculpture Garden were gorgeous as well.

At this point, I was pretty giddy with excitement. And once we walked back to the museum, I realized that I was also pretty hungry. And then I got pretty grumpy when we learned that the museum cafe was closed. So we ended up leaving (even though Stacy had just arrived) to feed the monster.
We went to French Meadow for lunch, a yummy health food place. It was really tasty. We need more of these places here (and less chain restaurants, please). We went back to Wade's to rest up for the long night ahead. And once we were rested and it was time, we went to the Mill City Museum to see a free show by Roma di Luna.
The Mill City Museum was very cool, especially the courtyard. The show was supposed to be held outside in the courtyard, but with the rain earlier in the day, it was moved inside.

A few words about Roma di Luna: I'd never heard them before this trip, and I am so glad we went to their show. They are a truly amazing group of musical artists (and happen to be Minneapolis locals). I bought both of the CDs they had available for sale and was able to get one signed by the main singer/violinist of the group. And by the way, her voice (the lead singer's) is heartbreaking and beautiful. I sat through the entire show just transfixed by the power and energy of the music unfolding before me. It was incredible. Also, I was pretty much a born-again concert virgin, not having been to a show since 2002 or 2003, so that made the experience that much better.
One of the best moments of the show was when they announced that their next song was for Jane for the occasion of her 52nd birthday. Jane was sitting relatively close to us, and so I got to watch her cry happy tears throughout the song (requested by her significant other), which of course made me tear up as well.
I didn't get any good pictures, but here are the two kind of decent ones I took.

Check out this 2007 video. It's not the same as seeing them live, not even close, but it's still pretty cool.
And of course, you can hear them here; listen to "The Romance of Wolves" (it's my current favorite song).
After the show, we walked next door to the Guthrie to use the bathroom. (There was no way I was going to use the crowded bathroom at the museum!) The Guthrie is this giant blue theatre that offered some good photo opps.
I love this picture! It's of Roy looking out of the window, but I took it of his reflection in the reflective window sill.

This is another reflective picture.

We walked to Sawatdee for dinner. I absolutely love Thai food, and this place did not disappoint. I had the massaman curry and some drink called a Monkey Lover. Well, I can't be sure of the name of the drink anymore, but it was something having to do with a monkey. My favorite part of the menu was this:

After dinner, we drove over to Grumpy's for karaoke. I'd been hearing about karaoke all week; apparently it's a big thing with Wade and his friends. They were all pretty excited when they saw that a big group of drunken women were doing karaoke. Wade wrote a really good blog about the experience, which you can read here.
I didn't actually think I would do karaoke (again, that shyness factor), but later I decided that Wade and I had to do a song together. The most natural choice seemed to be "Baby One More Time" by good ol' Britney Spears, and Wade was all for it. Once we got up to the front of the room, three of the crazy drunken women asked if we needed back-up dancers. Like, duh. Of course. We performed our set, the crowd went wild, and I sealed my place in Grumpy's Hall of Fame.
Um, not. I think Wade sang over me the entire song, which is probably the best thing that could have happened for everyone in attendance.
All in all, it was an interesting night. I had five drinks and didn't even catch a buzz, which was shocking. Grumpy's had the best tater tots ever, and of course, the drunk women will hold a special place in my heart forever.
(Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures during karaoke, but one of Wade's friends did, so maybe Wade'll send them along to me one of these days.)
Great pictures, as always. I love seeing how your style evolves.
Sounds like you had a great trip. How nice! You're pictures are wonderful. I'm jealous as I love the rain too. You couldn't have brought some back could you? :)
walker art center...i wanna go!
Monkey Lover > Angry Catfish
LOVE the pics...getting pretty good with the camera.
I like the big spoon with the cherry.
you packed a lot into that day. :)
love that spoon and cherry sculpture.
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