Today we've been married 11 months.
This is not our last monthiversary, but it's probably the last one I'll write about on here. Soon it'll be our one year anniversary of being married, and it seems a bit silly to keep up the monthiversary tradition past the first year mark. What I'd like to do instead is celebrate our marriage every single day by doing simple things like saying "I love you" daily. It's often the little things that really add up and count the most. We have always been good at both the little and big things, and as the months and years go by, celebrating and respecting our union, I feel, will be what will hold us together...forever.
Oddly, I used to not believe in forever. I thought it was a silly concept, but it just goes to show that people can and should challenge your assumptions. I love how life has always managed to surprise me - one of the greatest surprises has been Roy. Imagine such a kind-hearted, gentle soul like Roy loving a neurotic obsessive like me. It's really wonderful to be married to someone who embraces all of my qualities. It's the best feeling ever, actually. And I am the luckiest person in the world, not just because I am married to Roy, but because I married into his family who has always accepted me as one of them.
Sadly, this weekend I am out of state visiting my mom and uncle, and Roy stayed home due to the high cost of airfare. But even though we are apart today, I am still celebrating us. My vow is to always celebrate us.
I love you, hubsand. Forever.
Sweet. :)
Safe travels.
Happy last monthiversary.
I can not believe it has almost been a year.
Happy monthiversary! :-) I think it is great you celebrate. We have our traditions for the everyday, but also celebrate each month by doing something different, or not so everyday (visiting the zoo, bowling, playing a new board game..). It helps us make a point to hang out (and try new things) when our lives get super busy!
happy last monthiversary to you m'dear. :)
oh, i forgot -- any big plans to celebrate the one year mark?
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