Some highlights:
seeing the earth from above

spending time with my uncle (blurry)

the houses in downtown San Antonio

finding pieces of my past

going to my favorite bookstore

yummy Mexican food at a restaurant with very cool bathroom doors

making fun of Kitten, who has an abnormally large bottom lip (blurry)

spending time with Buster

communing with nature

hanging out with my mom (wow, I am fat)

eating belated birthday cupcakes (blurry)

art objects in my uncle's house

my uncle's house

eating Whataburger again

buying my uncle a stuffed duck named Chuckles

geting a killer night's sleep

taking a photo of my mom and her two (living) brothers

little fuzzy creatures

It was a good weekend.
Glad you had an awesome time with the fam.
AWESOME pictures.
And your not fat, the camera always puts on 10 pounds......:)
I wish I had been there.
I am rooting for unle Chukles' recovery!
Sounds like a great weekend. Glad you had a good time.
i like this post. a lot.
Best of luch to Uncle Chuck.
I love those bathroom doors.
aw, you look exactly like your mom!
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