Friday, December 7, 2007


I should be doing the happy dance because it's quittin' time on Friday afternoon. Instead, I am completely dreading going home because I know I have to finish my final paper of the quarter. It was actually due on Wednesday, but my professor offered us all extensions if we wanted one. I took her up on it, and now my paper is due at high noon tomorrow.

I feel completely unmotivated to finish it. So far I have about 4 pages, and it really needs to be about 10 pages. 10 pages is not a lot, especially as far as grad school papers go, but yet I feel completely blocked. I've had 1 surge of inspiration this afternoon, and now I'm back to feeling blah.

I am so incredibly burned out at this point that I have begun to wonder if I will be able to hold it together long enough to actually finish my coursework and thesis. I am feeling very discouraged right now, because I know that I can write a kick ass paper. I've done it before - why isn't it happening for me now?

Hopefully my next post will be much less whiny and much more interesting.


Claire said...

You can do it!

Think of it as one page/hour, plus a little editing time, and you're good to go... And get a full night's sleep. GL!

weezermonkey said...

I hate this feeling. I've been there before, but ditto Claire. You can do it!

ssinca said...

another person who has faith in you. ;)

a real librarian said...

I know you can do it!!!

kim said...

Writing papers sucks ass. I am glad you finished. I knew you would. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I know now that you did it, but really I had no doubts. :)

~The Worm

amber said...

i really hated writing papers in school. hope you were able to pull out something great! :D