Saturday was also my mommy's birthday! I hate not being able to spend time in person with my mom on her birthday. But still, we got to talk on the phone a bit, and I'm so glad we did. I love my mom to pieces. She's really been an amazing influence on me throughout my life.

Anyway, after I finished, Roy and I went to the bank to change his name. I thought it was going to be a real pain in the ass, involving opening a new account, but we were able to avoid that and were out in 30 minutes. We ended up at Coco's for breakfast, because Ruby's was too busy (we're not the waiting kind). While we were waiting for our breakfast, Roy snapped this picture of me:

I find this picture humorous for a couple of reasons. For starters, my fingers look like sausages. I also look really young, like I'm a kid coloring in a coloring book. Also, my hair is in a state of disarray, which is truly nothing new. Yep, this picture pretty much sums me up. (However, the sausage fingers thing is a new one on me.)
After breakfast, Mandy and our friends Laura and Amy met me at home, and we drove out to Orange County for the Scholastic Book Fair. Mandy and Laura are both teachers, so they were able to get us in and get us awesome discounts on all kinds of books. The book fair was held in a huge warehouse:

There were so many people there, and the line was insanely long. I normally avoid crowds like the plague, but to me, being in the presence of so many books was heaven and thus cancelled out the annoying crowd factors. Most of the books were for kids or young adults, but there are so many good ones out now that I actually really enjoy reading them. I was able to get quite a few books for $70. Everything was 30 to 50 percent off. We stood in line for at least an hour, but it might have been closer to 2 hours. We did it in shifts, so none of us got too antsy.
Afterwards, we headed back to the hood and dropped Laura off so she could work on her paper. Mandy, Amy, and I drove out to Costco, Target, and Golden Spoon for various things. However, the conversation we had while driving was the best part. We all have plans to move up to Oregon or Washington, and up until this point, we had really talked in general terms about it. But this time we started talking about how we actually wanted to live, how we wanted to raise our kids, and our hopes for the future. I love these kinds of conversations because they make me realize that I'm not alone or crazy in what I want or believe. It's nice to have people around me who feel the same way about certain things.
Then we went back to Mandy's, and Roy ended up joining us. We played Racko, which is a really simple (but really fun) card game and then retired for the night.
Today was less about fun and more about getting things done. Mandy and I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, while Roy stayed home and worked on cleaning and doing the laundry (our divide-and-conquer strategy). We also went back to Target, and I scored a Dora the Explorer comforter for a needy family my company is sponsoring for Christmas:

Afterwards, I came home, cooked salmon for dinner, and settled down with Roy to watch Waitress. I enjoyed it very much, because it got away from all the special effects and bells and whistles and just told a good, heart-warming story. I even teared up a bit, but what's to be expected from li'l ol' hormonal me?

Afterwards, Roy and I popped open a bottle of champagne (the same kind we had at our wedding) for no good reason, but I won't tell you what we toasted to. Now he's ironing his clothes like a good husband, and I sit here blogging while buzzed. I'm behind on my blogging and everything else in life, but I'll catch up.
Truth be told, I'm an insanely happy camper right now. I have an awesome life. I'll definitely drink to that.
cheers! after friday night, my weekend ended up being pretty productive, too.
i have three friends+spouses that moved up to the pacific northwest within the last handful of years, so you can all jump on their bandwagon, too. ;) won't tell us what your toast was about, huh? you've definitely peaked my curiousity.
Whew. Busy weekend! :)
I love busy, fulfilling weekends.
Don't leave me hanging on the toast, though. ;)
I was just telling a friend yesterday, that while I have no desire to go back to teaching, I'd love to work for Scholastic in some way, shape or form (mind you, this was *if* I needed to get a 9-5er for some reason or another). Holy run-on sentence!
Cheers to you, and your mom, happy birthday to her!
You do not have sausage fingers. Silly.
~The Worm
wow, you were all sorts of busy this weekend! i'm a curious mofo though and want to know what you toasted to ;) glad the weekend ended on such a high note.
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