Folks, I have really bad eyesight. I have been fine with wearing glasses for years. I tried wearing contacts in junior high and high school (due to that oh-so-low adolescent self-esteem), but I have some sort of eye virus that flares up when I wear contacts. The result of my trying to wear them is not pretty. So for years it's just been me and my specs. And I am fine with that.
From a cosmetic standpoint, I really am fine with that. But actually, emotionally my level of blindness is beginning to bother me. I'm afraid of losing my glasses and thus losing my ability to do anything. If there was a really bad earthquake (or some other disaster) and I lost my glasses, I would be screwed. Granted, the chances of something like this happening are small. But I've had a few mornings lately where I've had to search the bedroom floor with my nose pressed up against the carpet to find my glasses that wandered off my nightstand in the middle of the night.
For this reason, I'm thinking more seriously about having my vision corrected through Lasik. The possiblity of not having to have corrective lenses excites me, but it also makes me sad. I've always been the girl in glasses. I even wore my glasses when I got married, which seemed to shock some people. Someone even told me how brave I was for wearing my glasses that day. Seriously?! I can't believe that this culture values flawless beauty to that degree.
Oh, wait. Yes, I can.
So last night Roy and I watched Wayne's World. Love that movie. Seeing it took me back to junior high and high school when everyone used to tell me I looked like Garth.

I have changed some since those days, but it's nice to see the resemblance is still there. And it's all because of the glasses. (Well, I'm sure the blonde hair helps as well.) I'm not sure who I'll be without them, but I'm fairly sure that I won't be able to change my nerd status that easily. And truly, I'm a cool nerd.
You can always get Lasik and be one of those "cool" people who wears frames with a non-prescription lensE. ;)
You are SO much prettier than Garth!
I had the surgery. Best. Thing. Ever.
I think Lasik would make things easier, but glasses are hot. You're by far the coolest nerd I've ever met.
yay for nerds!
[my turn ;)]
I love Garth, but you are so not Garthish.
There's nothing wrong with glasses! I wear 'em. Can't stand contacts. I looked into Lasik but since I have large pupils I run the risk of having problems with night vision. I'm sticking with the glasses. It makes me at least look smart! :)
I had Lasik eye surgery and it was the best things I've ever done. I could not see without glasses or contacts and I had the same fears as you. It is amazing to be able to see without corrective lenses and to wake up in the morning and not have to reach for glasses just to see what time it is on the clock. If you want any info about it feel free to ask, I did a lot of research beforehand and saw 3 different surgeons before making my decision. And guess what, it change my eye sight but didn't really change who I am :) I'm still a silly bear!
I'M NOT WORTHY......I'M NOT WORTHY........SWIIING!!!......
LOVE That movie.......You are so not Garth tho....people used to call me Roger rabbit and bucky beaver when I had buck teeth in school than i got braces.
If Lasik were an option for me, I would sooooo do it!
Glasses are sexy! Lisa Loeb! Tina Fey!
I can't BELIEVE people said that about wearing glasses on your wedding day. That's so strange of them.
I know a few people who have done Lasik and they have loved the ease of no-glasses.
even with a minor issue that needed to be cleaned up with a second surgery, jim is really glad he did the lasik procedure.
i agree with kim, you don't have to ditch the glasses if they are that much a part of you. lord knows plenty of people wear them without actually needing them. good luck with your decision.
I would be so screwed if I lost my glasses, my vision is terrible (sort of like your out of focus pics, only worse!) I am so paranoid about it I have an extra pair of glasses in case anything happens. I hated my glasses in high school but now I've grown so attached to them, I think I look better with them on than without. That's awesome you wore your glasses on your wedding! :)
I hate wearing contacts, I was also thinking about Lasik but not sure I'm ready to let go of the glasses... good luck with your decision, I'm interested to read your thoughts.
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