Thursday night (March 27) was when the real preparation for Mandy's bridal shower began. After work, I met Roy and Jake at my mother-in-law's house, where they were loading up all the tables and chairs that we had borrowed from various people around the neighborhood. As Mandy's man-maids, I figured it was only fair that they have a job of their own. I rode with them to Melinda's house, where they quickly unloaded. We then left and went to Roy's grandparents' house for some of their tables and chairs, took the stuff back to Melinda's, and then went home.
Originally, I took a half day off from work on Friday, the day before the shower. But in light of my scary mole, I took the entire day off to go see the dermatologist in the morning and continue with shower prep in the afternoon. Right after my dermatologist appointment, I dropped Roy off at home so he could go to work. (I truly have the best husband ever. He went with me to my dermatologist appointment because he just rocks.)
From there, I went to Michael's for ribbon, Big Lots for a gag gift for Mandy, Bed, Bath, & Beyond for Mandy's real shower gift, the bank to withdraw some cash, home to load up my car with shower crap, and my mother-in-law's (Patty) house. From her house, Patty and I went to Baja Fresh for lunch and then to Costco for shower food.
In no time at all, we had a shopping cart full of food. It was so heavy that I had a hard time steering it. We were buying with 32 people in mind, and I came out $100 under budget. We drove over to Melinda's house and unloaded everything. And then the real fun began.
Kim showed up right as Patty left. We soon decided that we needed margarita stuff, so we drove to the nearest Stater Bros. and got some, in addition to some other things (like potato salad, which Kim insisted we needed. Pushy biatch!). We went back to Melinda's and began working on the sandwiches.

I had decided to keep the sandwiches really simple. I picked four recipes: cucumber and cream cheese, turkey and cheese, peanut butter and banana, and chicken salad and apple. We made a crapload of sandwiches. Later on in the evening, Angelina showed up with her husband in tow, with the cutest little teapot fountain that she let us borrow. With us four homies in the same room, hilarity ensued as we continued with our sandwich-making, began our sign-making, and gossipped.

Roy showed up a bit later and immediately stuck to the living room with the other guys. Meanwhile, back in Wonderland Prep World, Kim revealed her secret obsession by taking a bazillion pictures of me.

Don't I look just like the princess from The Neverending Story? I mean, the resemblance is uncanny, down to the bejeweled forehead and alabaster skin.
Check it:

Some of the signs that we made were hilarious. If Kim's attempt (on the green sheet of paper) at drawing the Cheshire Cat's smile wasn't enough to make us die laughing, then Melinda's (on the orange sheet) totally sent us over the edge.

I tried to draw a mushroom but was immediately told that it looked like a penis. So I drew my version of a penis to show them the difference between mushrooms and penises. They found the lesson very insightful.

Despite all the goofing off we did, we were very productive. We made a ton of sandwiches, so many that Melinda's fridge was bursting. In hindsight, we made way too many sandwiches. I blame Kim, just because she's a good scapegoat.

We called it a night and left. Roy and I went to Wal-Mart for address labels. I hate Wal-Mart and usually avoid it like the plague, but our options were rather limited since it was past 10 PM. On the way home, I realized that I hadn't prepared any of the games for the shower, so I stayed up even later taking care of that. I crawled into bed around 1:00 AM, completely exhausted.
Stay tuned for the actual shower recap (with pictures galore)!
that dang kim. ;)
Love, love, love the theme! I can't wait to see the pics.
I am dying at the Cheshire Cat attempts.
Sounds like a great theme, and so much fun!
First of all, fuck right off with bagging on my Cheshire Cat smile. I happen to really like it. ;)
And second of all, I thought you'd appreciate the 4,296 pictures I took of you. I didn't even charge you! My rates for 4-hour sessions have gone up to $4,500, so you really got a good deal. Ungrateful bitch. :P
I'm dying at the Neverending Story comparison. Can I please use your pic in my sig? TIA!
Very cool theme. Sounds fun. BTW I love that shirt you are wearing in those pics.
you ladies worked hard!
can't wait to see what the final product looked like :)
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