I learned so much yesterday! I learned that it's important to check all your camera settings before starting the shoot (and I'll explain why later). I learned that photographing people is much more rigorous than photographing inanimate objects. I learned that photography is hard and tiring. But it's also so much fun.
I am not a professional photographer, but I think the job would be fun and something I would love to do. Whether or not I have the talent or business sense for it remains to be seen. For now, photography is a wonderful hobby for me. I am grateful for people like Mandy and Paul, who were wonderful guinea pigs and very patient with me.
Many of these pictures did not turn out the way I expected them to. I actually had my camera on the wrong white balance setting for most of the shoot, and many of Mandy and Paul's photos are tinted blue as a result. I was really bummed about this last night, because I put a lot of work into finding the right light for the shoot. I also distinctly remember thinking before the shoot that I needed to check the white balance setting. But making this mistake has also (so far) helped me to find more creative solutions in Photoshop.
Anyway, here are a few of the pics! I'll be posting more (as I edit them) onto my flickr page. Feel free to check them out! Also, your honest opinions are most welcome.
(I don't know why, but when I upload pics from flickr, the quality isn't nearly as good. These actually look a lot less pixelated in person.)

Congrats to Mandy and Paul, who are no longer "pookin' per nub" now that they've found each other.
sounds like fun! and the pictures turned out great!
You are the best photographer Lethlie! Thank you so much for doing this for us. They are beautiful. I'm so excited to see the rest of them.
Neat! Congrats on your first official shoot! I think they came out pretty good, I love the big fake ring.
Those are beautiful engagement photos! They are lucky to have you...engagement photos can be so expensive!
Great pictures, even if the white balance was off. I especially love the first one and the hands with the golden spoon cup. You're getting better my little catipillar. Looks like they had a ton of fun.
Good job! They came out pretty good! :) It looks like you guys had a great time. Congrats!
Awesome Leslie, the pictures came out great! You can always fix the balance in a giffy in photoshop. No biggy...but hey you live and learn right? Can't wait to see more! :)
That's it. I am so asking Keith for a bigger diamomd.
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