Back in January, I found out that Mandy and Paul had decided to get married in May instead of November, and that sent me into a bit of a panic for both financial and logistical reasons. I immediately began thinking about her bridal shower and called upon the monkey and Kim for ideas for a kick ass bridal shower. The monkey suggested afternoon tea and provided me with some links to tea places she'd heard of/frequented. That got my brain working, and somehow I came up with the perfect theme for Mandy's shower: Alice in Wonderland. I would give Mandy a very merry unshower, and we would have tea, scones, sandwiches, croquet, and zaniness.
The first thing I did was secure a venue. I knew I needed a fairly large backyard, and Melinda was happy to let me use hers. At that point, I hadn't seen her backyard yet, but once I did, I knew it was the perfect spot.
I worked with Stacia, who did all the paper products for my wedding, for the invitations and thank you cards. Here's the invite design:

I chose that particular picture because it incorporated quite a few aspects of Alice in Wonderland, which I thought was cool. Here's the thank you design:

The next thing I began thinking about was cake. I really wanted a cake like these:

But with the complicated design, I couldn't find anyone who would do it for a reasonable price. Instead, I settled on red velvet cupcakes but again ran into issues. Finally, I said to myself, "Screw it! I'll make the cupcakes myself!"
By this time, Kim and Melinda were pretty heavily involved in the planning of the shower. Once the date was set for March 29, we planned on getting together the night before to make the sandwiches, cupcakes, and cookie favors.

A couple of weekends ago, I met Melinda and Angelina for lunch, and naturally, the conversation turned to the shower. We ended up going to Goodwill after lunch, and we found a huge amount of tea cups and saucers for the shower for a good price. Angelina also suggested buying the tea for the shower at Clark's, so that is what I did. And with the (almost daily) help of Melinda and Kim, other details of the shower, such as sandwiches and games, were firmed up.
The point of this whole blog entry is that this shower really was a group effort, from its inception to its end. This group effort played in even more heavily during the preparations the night before and the shower itself. Both of those recaps are coming soon!
On an unrelated note, I want to say thanks for responding to my scary mole post. I realize that I am overly paranoid, and that is definitely due to the melanoma blogs I have read. I did get in to see the dermatologist this past Friday, and she is going to remove the mole at the end of April. She didn't seem overly concerned about it, as it is probably a benign lesion. But, as I have very fair skin, there is no being too careful.
Also, I am way behind on my blog reading, so if I haven't commented on your blog in awhile, that's why. I do plan on getting caught up sometime before the end of 2008.
Lastly, my Spring Break officially ends on Tuesday. I will be in school four nights a week this quarter instead of my usual two. I am going to, once again, be one busy mofo. For this reason, I am so glad the shower is over!
i can't wait to see the final product after knowing how many (and how many people's) sweat went into this.
What a super fun party!
And I'm happy to hear your mole turned out fine!
I am glad to hear you are feeling better about the mole situation.
I hope the shower turned out well, I can not wait to see pics!
Recap! Recap! Recap!
Yay for benign lesion. :)
You totally should have died the grass purple, and perhaps even dug a rabbit hole. Just sayin'...
What an awesome shower, and yay for good derm appointment! We can never be too careful, us pasty chicks. I need to make an appointment. Stat.
I can't wait to see pictures of the shower. OH THE BUILD UP! Sounds like you had a pretty great team of people to help. Oh and big ups to the pasty chicks. I go to the derm every 6 months....oh to be pale. I'm glad your mole is no biggie. You can never be too cautious.
what an awesome idea for a shower! sounds like all the effort you guys put in produced a kickass party -- can't wait to see pictures!!!
love the theme -- unique and totally adorable! for my friend blondie's shower, it was also very much a group effort with lots of last minute stuff (like making table runners at 1am the night before the shower!)
i can't wait to read part 2!
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