Roy has been obsessed with buying new fish lately.

And I've been obsessed with getting good pictures of our cats. This is not an easy task, as they tend to move really quickly. They don't like posing for me for some reason.

Kerwin (below) looks pissed, but let me assure you: he's a really good-natured cat. I'm pretty sure I woke him up to take this picture.
Ha! I just posted an insomnia-related blog entry a second ago.
cute cats. ;)
awww....pretty kitty's.....:)
I've given up on capturing things that move.
Kerwin kinda looks dazed and confused, less pissed :) So cute!!
Chances are, 4 times out of 5 when you're up at 2am, I am up as well. Bummer for insomnia but hooray for pets! Are those cichlids or freshwater fish? My hub is a big fish fan as well.
my husband kept a large saltwater aquarium all through law school - it was a huge stress relief for him. we haven't put it up since he moved back to cali, but he loved it when he had it.
i like the kitty pics.
ooh, i'm always a big fan of kitty pics.
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