When I was a kid, I used to think that a hurricane was a big candy cane floating around the sky. Unfortunately, life is not like Candyland. Hurricanes are pretty awful to live through. Back in 2003, Hurricane Claudette wreaked havoc on my hometown. I had moved away by that point but came to visit the next month. I took a lot of pictures of the damage - which reminds me, where's that damn scanner I've been wanting for years now?
The point is, Hurricane Claudette was only a Category 1 storm, and it did a shitload of damage. Ike is already a Category 2 storm and is projected to become at least a Category 4. The very famous Hurricane Katrina was a Category 3.
Yeah, I'm freaking out.
I am sending major positive thoughts to all those in the hurricane's way.
Keep us posted : /
Oh no! Glad your mom has gotten out though, definately keep us posted :)
Oh wow how scary. Your family is definately in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law live in corpus christi, so I'm freaking out right there with you. they say they are going to wait and see if they need to leave. yikes. i am hoping that because they are not right on the water, their house is up on a little bit of a hill, and they built-in storm shutters that they'll be ok. let's hope its not as bas as they saw it could be.
Sending good thoughts to your loved ones.
natural disasters are scary. *sending good thoughts to you and yours*
that makes two of us that are freaking out. they've predicted tornadoes over here...WTF do I do if a tornado comes?? earthquakes are a piece of cake. ;)
hope your fam is ok, I know they will be.
thinking good thoughts for you and the family.
yikes. fingers crossed and good thoughts going out.
I hope all is ok.....
keep us posted!
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