I've had a pretty good idea that I was pregnant with a boy since our ultrasound at the beginning of December. The tech there said she was almost positive that Bunlet was a boy but that she couldn't say for sure without a shadow of a doubt. It was confirmed at our big ultrasound on December 22.
But it's strange - at the very beginning of my pregnancy (the very night I found out I was pregnant, even), I felt like Bunlet was a boy. When I thought about telling people that I was pregnant, I also imagined myself telling them, "We're having a little boy!" It's interesting to know that my intuition was spot on, even if it disappeared for awhile.
Roy and I are really excited, of course. I have to admit that I have great ideas about what girls like and what they do, but I am a little unsure as to what to do with a little boy. It seems that boys are much more limited in what they can do (meaning that society places strict limits on them from the start). As a young girl, I enjoyed the privilege of taking dance lessons and playing GI Joe. It was okay to nurture that tomboy side of me; it posed no threat to my female identity. But boys seem to be more difficult - or actually, they are probably just different.
But you know what? I'm looking forward to the challenge of raising a boy. I really am. I guess this is just me puzzling over it all, trying to wrap my brain around the fact that in about five months, I'll be holding our beautiful baby boy in my arms and will be responsible for giving him a good foundation upon which to grow and evolve as a human being. There is so much to do in the meantime.
We do have a name picked out, and it's a really good name. I'm surprised at how traditional Bunlet's name is (not that we are the type to name our kid Apple or Pilot Inspektor), but actually I can't think of a better name for our first baby. It's all about honoring those who got us here, and as soon as the time is right, I'll be sharing his name here.
This has been a wonderful journey (with many ups and downs), and right now I may be a little unsure about relating to a little boy - but I would not change a damn thing about any of it. We absolutely cannot wait to meet our baby boy.
(The winner of the guessing game giveaway will be announced soon!)
congrats on a little boy!!!
Yay! A boy! Congrats!!!
Ya know what's funny? Brent and I talk about the potential limitations our little girl will face, like sexual discrimination in the workplace and random stuff like that.
: D
Congrats on your boy! Time to start buying blue :)
Yay! Congrats! I knew it!! :)
Congrats on your baby boy!!!
Boys and Girls are challenging in their own ways...but I promise, there will never be a dull moment! My boys definitely keep me on my toes all.the.time. :)
yay for a boy!
COOL!!....I want a boy instead of a girl always have....
I was wrong. Congratulations on Baby Boy Bunlet! I just found out today that my girlfriend I've known since I was 2 is having her first baby. Babies abound!
congrats - that's fabulous news!
Yeah!!! Congratulations on little Boy Bunlet!!! How exciting!
Notwithstanding my guess, I'm so excited you're having a boy!
Can we call him Bun-Bun?
Yay I was right! Congratulations on your baby boy, I can't wait to see what you are going to name him :D
i'm so happy for you guys! baby boy bunlet is a lucky little guy, indeed :)
I knew it! Congrats to you and Roy.
Congrats!!! Baby Boy Bunlet (BBB) is a lucky baby already to have you two.
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