I took a picture of him yesterday and everything just for this post, but I forgot to upload the picture before I left for work. So here's an older picture of us; I believe it was taken in June 2007, shortly before we got married.
Anyway, 29 years ago, Roy was born! What an awesome day that was. I myself was still in the womb and wouldn't be making my appearance for another two months and five days. I wonder if I sensed then that my future husband had just been born...
Happy birthday, Roy! You are truly my hero and the most important person in my life. You've taught me how to love and why it's important to live life. I am so honored to share your life with you. Here's to many more birthdays and much happiness!
Happy Birthday Roy!!
Happy Bday Roy!
Happy birthday, Roy!
So sweet!
Hope he has a great b-day!
happy birthday!
Yay, Roy!
(And now I have that Starbucks commercial in my head - the one where that band singing Eye of the Tiger follows that guy around singing, "Roy! ROY, ROY, ROY!")
Happy Birthday Roy!
P.S. Leslie said you read her blog so please comment & list your b-day wishes!
Happy Birfday Rizoy!
I am so totally late, but Happy Belated Birthday! Roy sounds awesome.
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