I took more photos of Cerby for Mandy's reception table numbers.

I am really excited about Mandy's upcoming wedding. Less than two weeks to go! I am going to take her getting ready pictures as well as a ton more at the wedding itself.
Another thing I can't wait for? Summer! I really miss having tons of free time.
Pretty pics. Gotta love downtown!
I love them!
I cant wait to see how the wedding comes out and how the table numbers look.
warmer weather and wedding...whee!
Great pics! Must be nice to get some unexpected free time. What a gift!
Hurray for Spring flowers! Gorgeous shots. I can't wait for Mandy's wedding, I want to see how wonderful everything will be. I really wish it would hurry up
those flowers are all so pretty and all scream "springtime!" :)
You are imspirimg me to get out there amd shoot more. The table mumber pics are adorable - I too am a sucker for camimes. =)
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