I'm not sure if it's obvious, but I voted for Obama.

(Man, I look tired/chubby/pimply. Please ignore my face, and focus on my shirt!)
And I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some change.

But obviously John McCain has a lot to offer as well.

In addition to this monumental election, I get to leave work early for my three-month Lasik follow-up appointment, which means that afterward I get to come home and 1) take a nap and 2) obsess over the election.
I'd like to say that having eye surgery was some of the best money I've ever spent, mainly because I don't have to walk around looking like this guy:

And having good vision is a big plus, too.
Happy Election Day, everyone! And don't forget: "Live your values. Love your country. Vote."
Yay! Such an exciting day!
i'm cackling over that mccain picture!
i voted early this morning. go obama!
I'm leaving work early to vote. Cross your fingers I don't have to wait for hours!
You know i saw an older gentleman who was on crutches and who recently had a stroke and who STILL came to vote it moved me to see that.
Can't wait to see what happens!!
I'm ready for CHANGE too. Just got back from voting :)
Love the shirt! Such an exciting day!
Come on...glasses ain't that bad :P
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