I am trying to reconcile the joy of Obama's victory and the sorrow of knowing that the majority of California has willingly voted to discriminate against a group of people. I feel like someone stomped on my heart. I am absolutely devastated.
I'm trying not to think hateful thoughts toward the Prop 8 supporters. We all have a right to our opinion. Unfortunately, some people cannot leave the Bible and Christianity out of the law. This is completely unfair to those of us who don't fit in exactly with the Christian mold. And I hope the supporters of Prop 8 realize that they have negatively impacted the lives of gay and lesbian people, along with the lives of their families and friends.
I am deeply ashamed of California (or at least 52% of it) right now. I am also deeply saddened to know that we took a gigantic step back today, even after taking a gigantic step forward last night. And it's nice to know that Prop 2 passed. It's interesting how we granted farm animals their rights (which I 100% support) but not a select group of people.
Despite all of this, I still have hope. I know that not all is lost. I'm hoping that Prop 8 will be overturned and recognized for the unconstitutional piece of garbage it is.
But as it stands right now, I have lost a lot of faith in the human race.
Disgusting. How can it be that we can elect Barack Obama and take away people's rights all at the same time?
Though I don't live in CA, I find this terribly disheartening.
So much for equality.
It is a shame that this disappointment has to mar such an otherwise beautiful day in our country's history.
I'm truly shocked that proposition 8 passed.
very sad. :(
i'm hopeful that the courts will over-turn this, but it's sad that they have to intervene at all.
It is unfathomable and disgusting.
I still don't understand. But then most of the people that voted yes have missed the logic train
I am still in denial.
I agree whole heatedly--but you know this. I am so heart heavy and sullen over this. I can't believe it...the joy I was feeling over last nights election has subsided as I am coming to the reality that so many people cannot look passed their bibles for one second to allow others a right that had ALREADY been granted to them. I'm sad and disgusted.
I too am sad about the prop 8 results...
There's an old saying that for every step forward, you take 3 steps back. This is true of the human race. My state (CT), legalized gay marriage last month, but hasn't had a Prop 8 of its own... yet.
My sister's blog (My Inflammatory Writ) linked to your blog, and it's very interesting.
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