I am married to an amazing man, who is my best friend, my most enthusiastic (and yet my most mellow) cheerleader, and my partner in crime. The day we were married was truly the most wonderful day of my life. There is never a day that goes by where I don't think of how lucky I am to have him by my side.

I have a wonderful, supportive family (ducks not included). As if my own crazy and hilarious family wasn't good enough, I managed to marry into a family made up of some amazing and unique individuals. Roy and I are lucky to be surrounded on all sides by the love and support of our families.
I have the funniest and kindest friends a girl could ask for (not all of whom are pictured here, because some friends, no matter how awesome they are, don't like to be photographed. Or maybe I just don't have good photos of them.). They have seen me through some very dark times. They have laughed with me at stupid jokes and stupid people. They've emailed or texted or called to check in - for good reasons or for no reason at all. They are, essentially, my lifeline to the rest of the world.

I have a roof over my head and a home full of lovely fuzzy creatures. I am forever grateful that I have a home, a place that is comfortable and has adequate heat, air, and water. And I will never be able to express how much I love our cats. They are wonderful puffballs of unconditional love.

I am educated and employed. I have been fortunate enough to have the resources to go to college and gain an extraordinary amount of knowledge (and a considerable amount of student loan debt). And no matter what I may lose in the future, my education is something that can never be taken from me. My job, on the other hand, leaves so much to be desired, but in this scary economy, I am still lucky to have it. I make enough money to pay our bills, and I have good benefits. Things could definitely be worse.
I am continually inspired by the things you, my readers, write and produce on your own blogs - and being as big of a lurker as I tend to be, I am always in awe of people who have no idea I even exist. My Google Reader is always full, and I am so thankful that there is no lack of beauty in the blogosphere.

And, lastly, I am pregnant with our first child, due in late May/early June. We are absolutely over-the-moon, jump-up-and-down-screaming, can't-sleep-at-night, shout-it-from-the-rooftops thrilled. We cannot wait to meet our lovely Bunlet, who stole our hearts from the very first positive pregnancy test.

No matter how much I say it, I can never express my gratitude enough for the gifts that I've been given or for the support of my family, friends, and blog readers along the way. This year has been extraordinarily tough, but you, all of you, have given me the strength to push through it. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Holy COW!!! Congratualations to you both on your upcoming arrival!! Jake and I are so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
Tanya :)
I am thankful for having you as friend.
I am thankful for having you as friend.
Happy Thanksgiving to all three of you. Your Cinnabun is adorable
CONGRATS!! I am so excited for you!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
oh my gosh! i am SOOO excited for you and roy! congratulations! you really do have lots to be thankful for today!
Oh, Leslie! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for you!
Love you!
Wonderful post.
Mazel tov!
awwww Congratulations!!!
And Happy Thanksgiving!
What a beautiful little blob! Congrats!!!
I am so thankful to be one of your friends!!! :) Happy Thanksgiving.
The Worm
WOW....I had a feeling you might be for some reason truly awesome!!
Wishing you all the best.....:)
OMG!! Congrats! Happy holidays and happy news, indeed! :)
I knew it would happen for you, Leslie. I am sitting here all choked up happy for you. Congratulations Mom!!!
How exciting!!! Congratulations to you and Roy :)
Oh my goodness! CONGRATS! Best wishes to you and your hubby!
Happy Thankgiving and Congratulations on the pregnancy! I am sooo happy for you and Roy. :)
I agree...best post--ever! On any blog I've ever read. That was the bomb.
Happy Thanksgiving leftovers! I hope you had a great one, and as much as I love pie, I don't want to see one for a little while. Just a little while.
Tanya gave me all the news about the photography and the baby...I wouldn't even say "the luckiest" is enough to cover it. No luck, just you! I'm so happy to hear these things...and I have to get off my lazy ass and add you into my g-reader as well!
Wow. That is a darn good list there.
Congratulations! I am so, so happy for you.
Christmas came early! He/she looks just like you. Ok, maybe a bit like Roy. ;)
beautiful list. happy thanksgiving!
Les I just heard through the grapevine. CONGRATS!!! I couldn't be happier for you and Roy. YAY Baby LesRoy!
I'm so pleased for you! Blessings!
:) Congrats to you both - that's incredible news! :)
congratulations!! I am so excited for you both, I know this is something you've been wanting for awhile. here's to a happy and healthy 9 months. ;)
congrats on your bunlet!!! What wonderful news! It looks like we are due around the same time, how exciting!!
I know I'm late, but I wanted to chirp in with my congratulations.
Congratulations!! I'm so thrilled for you.
And what a wonderful life you do have. How beautiful that you appreciate it.
Fwend! You do have a way...of making me smile and feel oh so special! I love you!!! And I am incredibly grateful to have you in my life!
i don't know what was in the water back in october-ish, but man, must have been potent! ;) [btw, you're my 4th friend to announce that they're pregnant and due around may-ish]
so so so happy for you!! and i love the name "bunlet". :)
CONGRATS on everything! I'm so happy for you both! I'm completely excited for yoU!
i'm so behind the times, but what a wonderful post!
congratulations - life will never be the same, and you won't be able to remember what it was like before. and that's a good thing :)
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