My friends and I recently decided to start a cell phone photography business; little did I know that I'd been building my portfolio all year long! It all started when
I got my Razr phone, thanks to my mother-in-law. I immediately began snapping photos and sending them to my contacts. People immediately took notice. I got such a good response to the blurriness and crappy quality of light in my photos that my good friends approached me about forming a business.
Thus, JealousE Douchebag Photography was born.
Here are some of the best cell phone pics I've taken this year, all of which will be featured prominently on the JD Photography website!
This one will be in the "what not to wear" gallery.

This one will feature prominently in the "best hairstyles of 2008" gallery.

This one is just pure mastery. A jaundiced-looking
Melinda with a giant straw, absolutely perfect lighting, not at all posed...

Kim's license plate

a cupcake that looks like a steaming pile of poo, but that tasted much better

the cutest husband ever holding a very cute baby

Mandy getting all dolled up for her wedding

a mushroom I drew (Super Mario Bros. style!)

me wearing Mandy's sweatshirt and crinoline - totally artistically blurry and photojournalistical

the cutest husband ever, in need of a major teeth cleaning

ahhh, the joys of Lasik (I obviously didn't take this, but I have no problem taking credit for it since I'm an immoral mofo)

yay! sculpture in Minneapolis!

someone named Sylvia who is very happy but also very evil

biggest lemon ever (notice the coin for scale)

best license plate ever

Mao attacks!

dark thoughts while sitting in the most boring presentation ever

Mao, with eye crust (the day we brought her home)

big fat smiley face guy

The award for the best cell phone pic taken by someone other than me (because clearly I am the master) goes to Melinda, who drew a picture of herself flinging poo.

I'm sure the cell phone photography business will be very lucrative, but we have made a vow never to compromise our artistry just to make a buck.
I love these photos! Especially the ones of doodles. They are hilarious. Your cell phone takes amazingly good quality pictures.
too funny!
I love it, keep up the good work :)
I have to send in my submissions.
Freakin' hilarious! I especially like the spoon!
I love Sylvia's! If you haven't already, I hope you get to eat at her restaurant in Harlem someday!
i iove the candids! esp. Mao attacking yr booty
hahah these are great.. I love the random pictures i get on my phone!!! <3
Beautiful. Thank you very much for posting my poo flinging picture. One of my best works of art if I do say so myself. I will be posting others of my work on my blog soon.
too much good stuff. i want kim's license plate now.
I predict grand things for JD Photography! How can you go wrong with a showpiece like a cupcake that looks like poo?
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